Sunday, February 26, 2012

Death of the Republican Party


FreakyNick said...

The religionistas are hell-bent on destroying the Republican party, and "if" elected, the ideals on which the country was founded. They are hoping to create a U.S. theocracy similar to those found in countries with Islamic type governments.

Fortunately, the more they spout their religious rhetoric, the more likely Obama will be re-elected. As they become more focused on religion, The President's approval rating goes up.

FreakyNick said...

The religionistas are hell-bent on destroying the Republican party, and "if" elected, the ideals on which the country was founded. They are hoping to create a U.S. theocracy similar to those found in countries with Islamic type governments.

Fortunately, the more they spout their religious rhetoric, the more likely Obama will be re-elected. As they become more focused on religion, The President's approval rating goes up.