Friday, October 03, 2008

Shit! It passed!

(Image taken without permission from Mock, Paper, Scissors)

Well it passed. Congratulations, each American is now thousands of dollars deeper in debt! What passed is a version of the bailout bill filled to the top with pork. No one knows if it will work. As one commentator said, this won't fix the crisis, just slow down the collapse. They took action so that they could say the took action, not because they knew whether of not it would do any good. The only serious attempt to address the issue was by Congressman Kucinich, and as usual he was completely ignored. As Tengrain says all we have left is to vote the bastards out of office. Unfortunately Senator Botox is well fastened to the California body politic. It would take a match and some tweezers to get her off.


K T Cat said...

They gave themselves borrowed money to spend bailing out the fatcats that pump money into their campaigns. Amazing.

I hope I'm wrong. I hope this ends up like the S&L RTC.

Kelly the little black dog said...

I agree exactly. I just hope the voters will remember this.

K T Cat said...

And do what? With the gerrymandered districts, you'd have an easier time getting Mugabe out of office.