Monday, August 31, 2009

Bye Bye!

What is it about the Southern compulsion to be treasonous swine.


K T Cat said...

Just think, if Texas secedes, Colorado will be importing that much more foreign oil!


Kelly the little black dog said...

I wonder what percentage of domestic oil comes from within Texas. A lot of the shelf oil is over by Louisiana. You'd definitely see a big pull out of oil companies from the new Texas republic. It be good news for Louisiana. You see relocation back there.

I'm not certain exactly where we get our oil here. I know if comes by pipeline, and we're at the end of the line. I'll see what I can find out.

Kelly the little black dog said...

This seems to suggest that our oil comes from North of us, specifically Canada.

K T Cat said...

Why would they pull out? Texas would probably be much more corporate friendly. Right now, businesses are moving to Texas.

Kelly the little black dog said...

I suspect that companies based in a recently seceded Texas might want to domestic branch to avoid any blowback.