Just what is it about the Catholic church these days.
One of America's most prominent Catholics has joined the chorus slamming the University of Notre Dame for inviting President Obama to speak at the school's May 17 commencement.
Cardinal Francis George, the archbishop of Chicago, called Obama's planned appearance an "extreme embarrassment" to Catholics while speaking at a recent conference hosted by the archdiocese's Respect Life office in Rosemont, according to a video his remarks on lifesitenews.com.
Ok, so honoring the president of the United States is an embarrassment, but protecting pedophile priests isn't. How patriotic. I guess you have to a Catholic first and an American second. And how about the
excommunication of the Mother in Brazil for allowing her daughter to have an abortion. Her nine year old daughter, who had been raped and impregnated with twins by her stepfather, had an abortion because it was felt that the small girl couldn't survive bringing twins to term. The kicker is that the step father wasn't excommunicated, since according to the bishop he didn't commit a mortal sin. Humm, let me get this straight - child rape, not a sin, but abortion to save the child victimized by rape, that's a mortal sin.