Saturday, November 15, 2008

We have a sick little dog

Ear Hematoma

From Long Beach Animal Hospital
On occasion a pet has a swollen ear due to blood vessels that have ruptured inside the ear flap, between the inside and outside layer of cartilage. This causes the ear to fill up with bloody fluid and after a period of time the blood in the ear clots and there is a firm swelling. If left untreated the ear will be painful and will eventually scar down similar in appearance to a cauliflower ear.
Kelly started showing symptoms yesterday. I took her to the Vet this morning and started with medical therapy. The Vet drained her ear, gave her some steroids, and taped down her ear to reduce swelling. We were told that there is a 50-50 chance this will take. If it doesn't she'll have to have surgery. We're keeping our fingers crossed.


K T Cat said...

Owie! Give Kelly some extra petting for us.

Kelly the little black dog said...

Thanks KT. Kelly is getting lots of love. Even Andy is concerned.