Europe's digital library, museum and archive
In response to Google's project to archive American culture, the French convinced the EU to create their own archive called Europeana to counteract US cultural dominance.
On occasion a pet has a swollen ear due to blood vessels that have ruptured inside the ear flap, between the inside and outside layer of cartilage. This causes the ear to fill up with bloody fluid and after a period of time the blood in the ear clots and there is a firm swelling. If left untreated the ear will be painful and will eventually scar down similar in appearance to a cauliflower ear.Kelly started showing symptoms yesterday. I took her to the Vet this morning and started with medical therapy. The Vet drained her ear, gave her some steroids, and taped down her ear to reduce swelling. We were told that there is a 50-50 chance this will take. If it doesn't she'll have to have surgery. We're keeping our fingers crossed.
Final Election Results
Rabbit Hash, Ky
An estimated 215% of local registered and unregistered voters swarmed the polls here in Rabbit Hash, Kentucky for the 2008 Mayoral election.
A highly contested race from the beginning, this race has not let up since it began on Old Timers' Day, 2008. Ten dogs, one cat, one opossum, one jackass, and one human being vied for the ultimate position of political power in this small Ohio River community in Boone County, Kentucky.
It was a dog-eat-dog race. Only this morning, the front runner was Travis the cat, holding a modest lead over two canine contenders. Travis showed a steady popularity the entire day, gaining the majority of the popular vote cast during the day.
After the presidential polls closed at 6:00 PM EST, the focus and the voters and the money relocated to Election Central in the Rabbit Hash barn. Food, fellowship, and good old American politics then prevailed for the next hour or so......and boy-oh-boy did things get heated. Candidates were chasing each other around the barn while the humans on the other end of the leashes were cutting deals and lobbying the public. Bark-The-Vote was the order of the day as the characteristic idiosyncrasies of the Darwinian mix prevailed. Growls, yelps, nips and bites were rampant amongst the candidates. The human conceded early on. Some of the canines followed suit. It was a political battle unrivaled in American political history.
In the waning moments of the months-long ordeal, the great common denominator reared its ugly head and responded to the "last call.' Money flew like fur and the hair was rising the length of each and every spine. Even the dogs knew something was going on as they pulled on their leashes in an attempt to control their handlers.
The final tally was reported:
Lucy Lou New Mayor of Rabbit Hash 8085 votes
Toby Runner-up 4596 votes
Travis 3721 votes
Higgins 2229
Macy 1182
Izzy 580
Pike 557
Rembrant 494
Noggin 184
Molly 150
Peggy Lee 73
Cletus 54
Manson 8
Paulette 5
Alex 2
Ruby 1
This reflects 100% of all precincts in Rabbit Hash. The results have been confirmed and are official.
Rabbit Hash Historical Society
You can find out more about Rabbit Hash
This instructional video will show you how to remove the bumper sticker of a failed candidate, such as McCain/Palin. Now you can stop broadcasting failure without leaving a sticky residue.From Wonder How To
Known as "the can with thousands of uses," WD-40® protects metal from rust and corrosion, penetrates stuck parts, displaces moisture, and lubricates just about anything. WD-40 is also great when it comes to cleaning grease, grime, and other marks from most surfaces.
A man canvassing for Obama in western Pennsylvania asks a housewife which candidate she intends to vote for. She yells to her husband to find out. From the interior of the house, he calls back, "We're voting for the n----r!" At which point the housewife turns to the canvasser and calmly repeats her husband's declaration.