Thursday, March 22, 2007


Last night we watched a largely unknown film by Mike Judge, creator of Office Space and King of the Hill, called Idiocracy. The premise of the film is to explore a future where unintelligent people have out breed intelligent people, resulting in a uniformly stupid humanity. Into this world we place the perfectly average 20th century man. Standard fish out of water scenario.

Much to my surprise, Idiocracy turns out to be a brilliant cultural satire. Through most of it I couldn't stop laughing. The film portrays a world only slightly exaggerated from our own. A city-sized Costco that offers law-degrees. The habit of naming children after products going to a new level - calling Dr. Lexus! A pro-wrestler/ex-porn star as president. Cabinet posts granted by winning contests. And a fictional Sports drink corporation purchasing the F.D.A. and the F.C.C so that they can replace water usage with their sports drink. Its definitely worth viewing.

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