Sunday, March 04, 2007

Gingrich exhibits Compassionate Conservatism

Newt Gingrich at the 34th annual conservative political action conference (CPAC) was quoted as saying;
[h]ow can you have the mess we have in New Orleans, and not have had deep investigations of the federal government, the state government, the city government, and the failure of citizenship in the Ninth Ward, where 22,000 people were so uneducated and so unprepared, they literally couldn't get out of the way of a hurricane.

Now, while there is plenty blame to go around for government incompetence, blaming the victims is just plain hateful. But then what can one expect from a guy who served his wife with divorce papers while she was in the hospital recovering from cancer surgery and refused to pay alimony or child support.

1 comment:

Dr. Zaius said...

Jeez, with all of the flack about Coultergeist at the CPAC, I have not heard this quote. The cartoon is a great find too!