There I was minding my own business, black helicopters flying over head, and the next thing I know I've got this chip inside my neck. Of course that happened at the pound. This tagging is the doing of
KT Cat and Jacob the Syrian Hamster. Jacob, I was just joking about you looking good to eat. Anyway being a little black dog I don't read much, but my humans do, so I'll let them answer the survey.
One book that changed your life: Isaac Asimov's original
Foundation Trilogy. Read it in my early teens. Along with the works of Robert Heinlein and Larry Niven, it did a lot to shape how I saw the world while growing up.
One book you've read more than once: H. P. Lovecraft's
At the Mountains of Madness. I'm a big fan of gothic horror.
One Book You'd Want on a Desert Island: I can't remember the name of this series. Its the ultimate in terms of physical survival. It basically goes over everything necessary for the survival of a pre-industrial village.
For entertainment though, I'd go with Edward Abbey's
Desert Solitaire or
Down the river.
One book that made you laugh: Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. I picked this one up while visiting a friend and couldn't put it down until I was finished.
One book that made you cry: The fool's Progress by Ed Abbey.
One book that you wish had been written: A Moon travel guide for travel to the Moon.
One book that you wish had never been written: Anything by that scum-bag right-wing terrorist Ann Coulter.
One book you've been meaning to read: Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation by Olivia Judson. A how-to guide, in the guise of a Q&A advice column, for marching, flying, or slithering into the battle of the sexes.
A book that you've bought, but haven't read: Only one? My wife and I collect books. How about
The Years of Rice and Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson. Kim was my freshman writing instructor at college. Interesting guy, thoughtful novels, although a bit slow to get through.