In the spirit of her new home, Kelly has bagged her first 14'er. This Saturday she made it to the top of Mt. Evans at 14,258 ft. Its one of the easier 14'ers, except for the alitude, since the trailhead starts at 14,130 ft. The weather was great and the crowds were not too bad. Here is a view of the parking lot from the top. The Mt.Evans Meyer-Womble Observatory can be seen in the distance. It is run by the denver University department of Physics and is the highest operating observatory in the west - at least until their permit expires in 2015. They have a web cam at their link. Just in front of the observatory are the ruins of the Crest house - castle in the sky. When it was constructed between 1939 and 1941, the Crest House was the highest structure in the world. It was designed by the architect Edwin Francis who intended it to reflect the a combination of organic, futuristic, and art modern elements, as well as its mountain setting. The building was destroyed by a propane explosion on spetember 1, 1979. The forest service has stabilized the remains to act as an observation platform.