Friday, July 10, 2009

The Socialist Pope?

(And here I thought the red stood for Pentecost.)

Ever since the Care Bear got elected this November, the right has been having conniptions about his being an un-American, closet-Muslim, socialist magic-negro overlord and re-education camp counselor ™ . Will Republican Catholics show any self-consistency and rail again the Pope for his recent socialist manifesto?

… Benedict sketches a radically different world economy, in which access to food and water is a universal right, wealthy nations share with poorer ones and profit is not the ultimate goal of commerce. He advocates the creation of a “world political authority” to manage the economy.

He blames “badly managed and largely speculative financial dealing” for causing the economic meltdown. The primary capital to be safeguarded is people, he says, adding that economic systems need to be guided by charity and truth.

My friend KT over at the Scratching Post has taken the discussion a bit further.

1 comment:

K T Cat said...

Wonderful post. A link is on the way later today.