Saturday, October 27, 2007

Obama Promises a Forceful Stand Against Clinton

Too little too late. Clinton has been pounding Barack all weekend and the best he can do is promise to respond. What a disappointment. He really is just another John Kerry.


K T Cat said...

How hard could it have been to whack Clinton? She's freakin' Lucretia Borgia, for heaven's sake.

You guys are way too tame with her. If she wins the presidency, you can say hello to permanent minority party status. After 8 years in the White House, 10-20 unsolved murders of her cronies who were going to turn state's evidence and untold millions from foreign countries pouring into Slick Willie's offshore funds, even you will be happy to see her go.

Kelly the little black dog said...

Obama has turned into another John Kerry - a wishy washy over analyzing patrician male. He's made himself less likable than Hilabeast.

K T Cat said...

I don't understand why the democratic candidates have treated Hillary with such kid gloves. Last time they were in office, it was great for them and death for the party. With all the campaign contribution skulduggery coming to light (even the LA Times is finding it in bucketfulls) you'd think Obama and Edwards would start screaming about her past.

If she gets elected there will be trails of blood all over the White House carpet and wads of cash falling out of the furniture.

Kelly the little black dog said...

Looks like that may be changing - see Oct 30 post.