Thursday, July 20, 2006

Once again ignorance reigns supreme

Once again ignorance reigns supreme within this White house. Today King George II vetoed the recent house bill that would have provided broader federal funding of embryonic stem-cell research. Isn't the republican party supposed to be the party of small government and pro-business.

The Bush decision will put back efforts by american companies to produce new treatments based on stem-cells. It will effectively give foreign companies a leg up on their efforts, thereby hurting american jobs. This is why many house republicans supported the bill. Say again, what party does this guy claim to represent???

Bush claims that this is a moral decision. That the bill violated his principles on the sanctity of human life by encouraging the destruction of embryos left over from fertilization procedures. The reality is that these embryos are the property of the couples undergoing ferility treatment and are typically destroyed following a successful birth. The embryos are artificially produced through a long series of hormon treatments.

The right likes to equate the use of these embryos with abortions, but are these fertilized eggs really life? Traditionally, most religions don't think so. And no where does the bible explicitly state so either. So why does the president think he has the right to make this decision? Well, he's the decider.

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